Thai Foot Massage

Whether you stand for long hours at work or walk miles and miles during the day. You are after a hard hike, your feet are swollen or anything else is bothering you. Thai foot massage is literally a treatment that combats a whole host of ailments. It is an ancient healing technique that uses elements of reflexology. This method consists of stimulating the reflex points on the soles of the feet combined with a massage of the toes and calves. The feet have a vast network of points and zones, called meridians, which energetically connect all the organs in the body. By stimulating these points, it is possible to influence the function of the organs, promote their regeneration, and even relieve pain or contribute to their complete healing. The regular repetition of this massage when the legs are heavier can prevent pain and fatigue.

Thai foot massage is performed using special oils and herbal ointments. The oils help the feet to relax and become fresh and light, which is especially beneficial after long periods of walking or standing. The massage eliminates stress and brings deep relaxation, which will be appreciated by anyone who likes to be on the move, take walks, play sports, in short, use their feet to explore the world around them.

For specific health problems, such as achilles, ankle problems, etc., the masseur uses original Thai massage creams for pain. These creams provide intense relief for ankle ligament problems, after knee surgeries or muscle laxity problems. You will also feel great relief if, for example, your feet are swollen due to high temperatures in summer. The positive effects of the massage are also suitable for pregnant women who can follow up with a pregnancy massage.

Foot massage is not only therapeutic, but also very pleasant and relaxing. You can combine it with other types of massage. For example, Thai herbal massage or one of our oil massages.